Never buy butter again

You’ll Never Buy Butter Form The Store Again After You’ve Made It Yourself (Two Ingredient Recipe)

The best thing you can do for your health is replacing the processed butter with homemade organic butter. The butter you buy in grocery stores is packed with pasteurized milk and trans fats. And the home made one is full of vitamin A and is good for your eyes, skins, tissues, membranes and teeth.You'll Never Buy Butter Form The Store Again After You've Made It Yourself (Two Ingredient Recipe)


  • 2 cups organic heavy cream
  • sea salt, to taste
  • Add bacon, herbs, lard etc for additional taste


  • Pour cream into food processor and process for about 10 minutes.  It will turn to a thick whipped cream first.

Continue processing until it turns  grainy and separate into butter and butter milk.  Drain buttermilk from butter.

  • Scrape butter from the sides.  Put in a clean bowl.  Place your butter into a colander and strain off the buttermilk.
  • Rinse the butter with cold water, gently turning the butter with a spoon while the cold water runs over it until the water runs clear.
  • When the butter is clean, squeeze more  liquid from butter using wooden paddles or spoons to smash butter and pour off liquid.
  • You can keep it in a jar or bowl, and store it in the fridge, or the freezer. This type of butter can last for several months before going bad.