Simple bone broth
Bone Broth Ingredients: Need large stock pot or crock pot to cook the broth in Strainer to remove bone pieces when broth is done I Kg (or more) of organic bones (beef, chicken) 1 onion chopped into cubes 2 choppted carrots 2 chopped stalks of celery 1/4 pealed and cut ginger root 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar Add 2 cloves of garlic during the last 30 min of cooking for added immune boosting properties Optional: To add onto finished broth for serving: 1 bunch of parsley, 1-2 cut green onions (to add on top),1 tablespoon or more of sea salt, 1 teaspoon additional seasoning herbs to taste. Bone Broth Instructions: If using raw bones (compared to roasted chicken), roast bones...