To start we need to “start at the very beginning.” Zest for Life or also known as The Big Breakfast Banting Debate, has as its main and only objective: returning your youth by correcting health. A life with regulated blood sugar, and the ability to die healthy with a daily new found zest for life.. Your main keys to this lifestyle: Planning & Preparation. How to do it: Keep it simple & keep it fresh. Your focus: Know “Your Why” In a previous newsletter I shared my journey into the LCHF Lifestyle (Oi! Burn the photo!) and how to get around the shlep of making meals and actually how simple, tasty & delicious it can be. When starting on...
Breakfast? What the heck! For me cooking shouldn't be a schlep or time consuming or even costly. I want quick, simple, fuss free satisfying meals. So as a mom of 3 growing kids, a wife, business owner, juggling household & various community responsibilities... How does one still fit in time to prepare meals, 3 for that matter, big enough to feed everyone or even creatively? Since being introduced to the LCHF Lifestyle, life in our family has changed – for the better. I must be honest and admit, we did try the whole “replica food” thing too. A costly little route that. And don't think because it's “banting” or “gluten free” makes it any better either. Branded food stuffs...
Zest for life is built on the foundation of body function correction and weight management by default. When you're looking at the movement on a scale, you're not correcting your internal body. Here we just keep our waist cm going down and look ahead, by eating a big breakfast to satiety will change more than just the scale. Your body will adapt. Some slower than others but it's all in the healing of the many cells your body has to maintain. The biggest difference is, we don't know internally what you're fixing. We just know that with every Big Breakfast you're assisting your internal change to heal. How do I know?:I tracked my blood serum, my triglycerides and Vit D and...
I always thought I was big boned", that it was "in my genes" and a "family hereditary condtition" as my parents were large too.I was a size 26 and weighed 118 kg, sometimes more, this was my normal. I would consume Coke, all sorts of food, I would eat 3 full meals a day and snacking between meals was part of my daily routine. I would even keep packet of biscuits in my office drawer for just in case… I was on medication for high blood pressure by the time I hit my early 30's and still the weight just kept piling on. In December 2015 I was diagnosed with diabetes, my blood sugar level was 26. I was physically...
All my life, I've always been bigger than those around me. In fact, I began wearing a size 36 during my primary school years, so you can imagine the years of carrying extra unnecessary weight on your body which also wrecks havoc to your sense of self. I became aware of the concept banting or rather low carb high fat eating in 2014. I frantically joined multiple groups that spoke of this new way of eating. I failed to lose the weight and correct my health, mainly due to the reality of an unchanged mindset. I wanted quick fixes and did not focus on commitment and change. This is more reason why the BBBD (Zest for life) has made so...