The Interplay Between Cortisol, Serotonin, and Diet: Why It Matters for Health and Weight Management Let's start with a few key concepts that are well-documented: Cortisol is known as the "stress hormone." In small amounts, it's beneficial—it helps wake you up in the morning or gives you the energy to run from danger (like fleeing from a lion). However, chronically elevated cortisol is harmful. Long-term stress can suppress the immune system and contribute to fat accumulation, especially around the abdomen (think “beer belly” obesity). Serotonin regulates several key bodily functions, which we can call the six F's: Fight, Flight, Food, Falling Asleep, Feeling Good, and... Sex. Like cortisol, serotonin must be in balance: too much or too little can cause...
Transitioning to a serotonin-boosting diet can be a challenge as it can influence your general mood and make you rather irritable. Removing carbs and sugar from your diet will initially create low serotonin levels which will stimulate cravings for sugar, carbohydrates and caffeine. When glucose enters the bloodstream, insulin is released and pushes nutrients such as amino acids into the cells of the heart, liver and other organs. As it does this, tryptophan stays behind in the bloodstream. Now there is more tryptophan in the blood than the competing amino acids. As the blood passes by the barrier into the brain, tryptophan can get in. The tryptophan is immediately converted to serotonin, and the soothing and appetite controlling effects of...
Know your Gut Buddies
The millions of microbes found in a healthy gut all have their own job description. Take a moment to read this chart and appreciate exactly what each species does and when Gut Rescue can best be used to allow your system to get the maximum benefit from this living product.
Written by Samantha Vorster
Can you imagine it by Samantha Vorster Gut health has been grossly misunderstood and underestimated. There is more activity in your gut than neurons firing in your brain! The link between the gut and the brain, which is being studied in-depth and revealing startling insights, is causing medical practitioners to call the gut the “second brain”. As Dr Axe explains, “See, the gut is home to the enteric nervous system. Separate from the central nervous system, the ENS is made up of two thin layers with more than 100 million nerve cells in them — more than the spinal cord. These cells line the gastrointestinal tract, controlling blood flow and secretions to help the GI tract digest food. They also help...
Remarkable health is often an elusive quest started by many and truly mastered by few. Modern living, with its chemical dependency, leaves our organic systems grossly lacking in vitality. It is essential to counteract the harmful and toxic effects of our food, polluted air, tainted water and stressful lifestyles. Tools to achieve this are offered daily through mainstream media but it takes time and money to discover those that truly make a difference to our lives. Gut Rescue Probiotic is one of the rare treasures which should be in every home - everywhere. “Pro” means for and “biotic” means living organisms – hence the name Probiotic. Gut Rescue is a naturally fermented, liquid probiotic, containing effective micro-organisms, which...