Articles — Breakfast RSS

Why I like breakfast and dont like fasts

The Interplay Between Cortisol, Serotonin, and Diet: Why It Matters for Health and Weight Management Let's start with a few key concepts that are well-documented: Cortisol is known as the "stress hormone." In small amounts, it's beneficial—it helps wake you up in the morning or gives you the energy to run from danger (like fleeing from a lion). However, chronically elevated cortisol is harmful. Long-term stress can suppress the immune system and contribute to fat accumulation, especially around the abdomen (think “beer belly” obesity). Serotonin regulates several key bodily functions, which we can call the six F's: Fight, Flight, Food, Falling Asleep, Feeling Good, and... Sex. Like cortisol, serotonin must be in balance: too much or too little can cause...

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Do you want to lose weight?

Want to lose weight? Eat that fat! Eating more dietary fat for breakfast will boost your metabolism and help you with fat loss! Your body is in fat-burning mode when you first wake up, and you can keep that going if you keep your carbs intake low in the morning and fats high. A study from 2010 published in the International Journal of Obesity examined the effect of different types of foods and timing of intake on the development of metabolic syndrome characteristics. It concludes that eating dietary fat in the morning is better metabolically, because the enzymes are most active when you wake up, and least active at the end of the day. In other words, the first meal...

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